
Sunday, 22 November 2015

Endcrawl - the tool that gives your film the proper ending it deserves

I'm not gonna lie. End credits are notoriously pesky to do because the person doing them usually doesn't have all the characters, cast, crew, people to thank, venues and places and companies to thank, sponsors, production and distribution companies to credit along with their logos and set details necessary to construct the credits - BUT - when "all" the details are received and the end credits are finally created, it is usually followed by a "whoops, forgot this person here" or a "ohh and there are all these people to add as well". Repeat this process about 50 to 100 times and you get the picture.

Well, there is a tool that will help facilitate the workflow at least. You'll still have to deal with the myriad of changes and the pesky nature of gathering information - but at least when it comes to actually making the end credits roll itself, with EndCrawl, it looks like it'll be a breeze!

Private beta ensues. See if you can grab a spot!

Thursday, 5 November 2015

A7S II reviewed by Tom Antos. Verdict is in: IT'S GOOD!

Internal 4K. Yep. 14 Stops of dynamic range in S-Log3? Yep. Brilliant low light performance? Yep. This is turning out to be a great camera. The only single issue with this camera now is the hideous rolling shutter. Once that is solved, this camera will be the ultimate power in the universe. Even Vader will want to steal the A7S-II plans and build one himself.